Sunday, November 6, 2011


Throughout our whole adoption journey so far, there have been many different little things that have happened that have just confirmed for us that we are certainly on the right path.  If you believe in God, then you would probably agree with me that these little confirmations are really gifts from God reminding us that we are doing the right thing. 
One example for me is that shortly after we started the adoption process, as I was sitting down to have a quiet time, I didn't have a plan for what I was going to read in the bible that day.  But, something in me said to read the story where Abraham obeyed God and he took Isaac up to the mountain to sacrifice him.  In the end, God provided a sacrifice for him and Isaac's life was spared.  The name of that mountain is Moriah which means "God will provide".  I liked the name Moriah and decided that if we are blessed with a daughter, we'll name her Moriah.
Not too long after reading that, maybe just days later, I was informed of an adoption agency by two different families, and it was AGCI.  I went to their website and as I was just browing around, right there on the page was a title for a part of the website called "The Moriah Fund".  It hit me that this was probably the right agency for us along with other things I learned about them.
The desire to begin this adoption journey began on Sunday, July 4th 2010 while Mike and I were attending Grace Fellowship Church in Johnson City, TN.  The sermon was on Phillip and the Ethiopian eunich.  It was during this service that the desire to adopt hit me in the middle of a story about a man who lived in Ethiopia and traveled by foot for hours to read the bible to a community that did not have access to the scripture.  The thought came to me out of nowhere "Maybe we could adopt a baby from Ethiopia." 
Well, exactly a year later, it was July 4th weekend again and Mike's parents were supposed to come to our house to visit.  Mike's mom was just starting to feel better after a case of the shingles and she didn't feel up to traveling.  So, Mike and I went to TN that weekend.  Exactly one year after our adoption journey began,  we sat in the same church and as I was looking at the bulletin, I see that there is a birth announcement and the baby's name was Moriah.  I truly believe that we were meant to go to Tennessee that weekend so that I could see that name, Moriah, which means "God will provide". 
Well, we have had many little confirmations like this throughout our whole adoption journey, and today we had another very cool confirmation.
If you remember from my very first blog post that our adoption story began many years ago.  God first laid adoption on our hearts when our church began to support an orphanage in Kenya.  The Sunday the church shared about this ministry, when I got home after church, I immediately went to the computer and started to read the profiles of the children there.  One particular little girl, named "L", really resonated with me and when I saw she had a brother there named "G", I called Mike to the computer and said, wouldn't it be wonderful if we could adopt them?  Mike said sure, let's look into it.  After looking into it and finding we weren't going to be able to adopt them, we didn't pursue adoption any more until July 4, 2010.
Today is Orphan Sunday, a very special day for families who adopt, foster or are involved in some way with "caring for orphans in distress".  Our church Missions leader shared a story of one of the children from the orphanage our church supports.  Of all the children to highlight, he shared the story of "L".  It was like everything was coming full circle for us.  I believe God was saying to us, this is the path I have chosen for you and your future child(ren).  Continue to walk in it and I will continue to lead.  I love how God works!